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Wolves have fundamentally changed the landscape in northern and western states. Elk and deer herds in Montana have been decimated. We don't believe that wolves should be eliminated from the landscape, but it is vital that they be managed in a way that doesn't sacrifice the health of other wildlife populations or drastically impact livestock.

It is very important that as conservationists and outdoorsmen, we all do our part. Rockin WK has created a Skull-Buying Program utilizing the Montana Trapping & Furbearer license.


Skull Buying Program

Rockin WK runs a skull buying program for our members. Prices vary but are significant in helping to offset the costs of harvesting a wolf. More info is available on our Members' Page. 


Find a Rancher

Ranchers and landowners across the states are sick and tired of losing their livestock to wolves. Rockin WK members can access our list of ranchers looking for a hunter to remove a wolf from their land.


Get the Latest Stats

The wolf population is exploding and crippling the deer and elk populations as it does. Check out the latest stats about wolf population and wild animal herd decreases. 

Skull-Buyig Program

Wolf Facts

Jan. 12, 1995

Montana FWP estimates 783-846 wolves, which is 600% higher than the agreed-upon population. 

80% Loss

Idaho elk populations have dropped by 43%

Population Growth

Elk hunting adds nearly $1,000,000,000 per year.

Knowing the Facts

Fourteen wolves from separate packs were captured in Canada and then transported into Yellowstone Park. 

Current Estimate

Since the reintroduction, the population of the Northern Yellowstone elk herd is down 80% from nearly 20,000 to less than 4,000 today. 

Since 2022

Wolf populations in Montana are increasing 10-34% annually (according to Montana FWP).

Wildlife Conservation

What pro-wolf people do not understand is that the longer you let this problem get out of control, the harsher the methods will need to become. 


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